Tuesday 27 September 2011

WALK cycles

today has been long. but hey, it comes with the teritory. SOOOO here is the first walk cycle i drew. its basically just key frames.  but it seems to work ok.

Once i had that i fleshed it out a bit. see second one. and when looking at it i found i dint have much upper body movement. i also messed up the front arm.

so i made a third. this is the final one for today. coming in tommorow to kinda finish. i messed up the arm again and still havnt got the bounce on the back leg which i do need to fix. oh issues issues! but hey ill work them out. the legs seem fine and the head movement on the front leg motion looks good.


Monday 26 September 2011

Ball bounce

right well i'm kind of stupid so my original ball bounce is saved on the computer in GO1. i will upload it i promise. anyhoo andy said that it was too fast. i liked it. i wanted it to look like it was shot out of a cannon at high speed.  but i added some frames to it and that one is also in GO1. it just doesn't look right. i think its because i plotted its trajectory and if it were moving slower it would loose energy faster.

i then got a tad distracted. drawing a dalek, i then thought to myself why not incorporate it. so the stick man gets his head blow off. this is the original.

so i looked at that and thought at the speed the head gets blow off it wouldn't stop where i left it. so i decided to add more frames to the end to get it to roll.

i then thought the start was a bit too sharp. the shooting starts right away. and the shot is too fast. so i added frames into the start and the shooting section. i also added some here and there to the bounce but i didn't think it was too bad.
(And before you point it out, yes that is how a Dalek shoots. the shot retracts rather than stopping from the gun end, well thats how its done in old doctor who and i prefer that way of shooting. its not a mistake its intended)

i don't much like the way the colour shifts and boils. i tried to not have it but its virtually impossible unless you computerise it. this is why i draw lines and don't tend to colour in my older stuff. but thats me rambling. heres the second version. i did try to make the head seem heavy but bouncy at the same time.

Thursday 22 September 2011

ball bounce.

BALL BOUNCING (Andy stuff)
i started doing a regular ball bounce. (Attatching file later) then got distracted by the idea of a pretty dalek and did a dalek ball bounce (Also attatching later).

also noticed digital skills is a totally seperate unit so we are doing three at once. meh. works for me. sounds like we got a LOT of work ahead. i cant wait to get properly started on everything doing AWESOME idea and working in narrative.  SUCH FUN!

Thursday 15 September 2011

NEW BLOG! the Basics of the next few months.

OK first post. i feel like Dr. Watson in the new Sherlock =D anyhoo this blog is for uni stuff really so here goes.

it seems we are doing two units at once. one theory one practical. not entirely sure how digital fits in. i asume thats a later practical unit that will have John teaching instead of Andy.

 Practical with Andy. (Don't be late, he pretends that he can lock you out of the lecture, i know he can't actually lock the door but pretending is fun, and besides i have a crystal.) Andy's unit is called Animation principles. don't entirely know what it involves but there are two segments. Life drawing (Due mon 9th January) and the Physical animation (I assume including prep work and all that shizzle, Due Fri 13th January). ALSO Acting classes in late october. This is a thirty credit unit (But i can't really see the point of having credited units you have to pass all of them)

Theory with Liz. unit begins 6th of october (1.30pm- G14) and is due in on the last thursday before christmas. its called framing animation which actually refers to the general social and historical context of animation rather than a physical frame (Kavanagh XD) there will be 6 lectures in this unit and seminars too. the resulting essay will be around +2000 words. (Nice and simple)

General Bloggieness 
i has become clear to me that i might want a graphics tablet. christmas might be too late.... still i got my nice light-box so i'm not too bad off.
personally prefer Liz's way of talking. i'm afraid to interrupt Andy's train of thought in case he pretends to lock me outside.

 Looks like a fun few years ahead, marred only slightly by the seemingly mountain of work we have to do and things we need to learn.